Tentti sisälsi melkein kokonaan kysymyksiä plussan monivalintatehtävistä, tässä ne mitä tentin jälkeen muistin kysyttäneen (ainakin itseltäni): --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What command merges branches “feature/exercises” and “master”? git pull feature/exercises -d master git merge feature/exercises master git checkout feature/exercises -m master --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- With what command do you start a new Node.js project in your project directory? npm init node init node start node npm start --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Which Node module the createServer() method is from? server http async request --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Which of the following arguments are correct in case of a local server? It runs on the host via the loopback network interface. It is a server which runs on remote server. You need internet connection to access local files through a local server. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Which of the following servers listen to a localhost? server1.on(8080, ''); server2.listen(8000); server3.initialize(3000, ''); --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Which of the following is valid and well-formed HTML?

Some text

Some text

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- element… is used to mark the body part of an HTML document. is used to group the body content of an HTML table. must be accompanied by both __ and __. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What three elements can be used for ordered, unordered, and description lists?
  1. ,
        , , , , --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Which of the following is valid CSS code? .nav.main {display: inline-block;} {"main": {"display": block, "padding": 1em}} p, li {em {color: deeppink;}} .container {display: flexbox;} --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What box-model edge is shown in the picture with green color? ../../_images/box-model.png Border edge Padding edge Content edge Margin edge --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Can JavaScript functions contain functions? Yes No --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Choose the options where this refers to the global object: inside of an arrow function inside of a function in a strict mode inside of a class constructor --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const people = [ {id: 1, firstName: "Adam", lastName: "Smith", age: 16}, {id: 2, firstName: "Amy", lastName: "Johnson", age: 45}, {id: 3, firstName: "Barbara", lastName: "Jackson", age: 18}, {id: 4, firstName: "Bill", lastName: "Norton", age: 12} ]; const people2 = []; for (let person of people) { const newPerson = { id: person.id, name: `${person.firstName} ${person.lastName}` }; people2.push(newPerson); } An alternative for the for-of loop above could be: const people2 = people.map(person => { id: person.id, name: `${person.firstName} ${person.lastName}` }); const people2 = people.map(person => ({ id: person.id, name: `${person.firstName} ${person.lastName}` })); const people2 = people.filter(person => { return { id: person.id, name: `${person.firstName} ${person.lastName}` }; }); --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Callbacks are… the only way to accomplish asynchronicity. put on the task queue in selected Web API calls (such as events, timeouts). the basis of continuation-passing style. one form of closures. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Promise… has two tracks: success and failure. has many states: pending, bound, fulfilled, rejected. Promise.resolve(123) returns a resolved Promise, e.g., 123 in this case. Promise.reject("mrrr") returns “mrrr”. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- async function… must always include an await statement. must be used to be able to use await statements. always returns a Promise. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- XSS… can be blocked by validating user input. runs in the domain of the malicious website. cannot alter the page in any way. cannot read users’ cookies. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Which of the following can be used to mitigate against SQL attacks? Using fetch Using parameterized queries Accepting only JSON in request payloads --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Which of the following statements are true about cookies used for managing sessions? Server can send a Set-Cookie header with the response Client requests a session cookie with Get-Session-Cookie header in the request The cookie expires in 24 hours --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You have created a LocalStorage at https://tuni.fi. From which URLs is it accessible? http://tuni.fi http://localhost https://tuni.fi https://localhost --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In which situations is SessionStorage cleared? When localStorage.clear() is called After 24 hours When the browser is closed --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Analogical concepts in MongoDB and relational DB include collections and databases documents and rows none, since MongoDB can save any JSON file, thus no analogies can be found --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mongoose is .. ORM modeling tool one means to make more structure to MongoDB documents with schemas another NoSQL database like MongoDB --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you would like to explicitly bind an object to this, which is a valid option: obj.use() obj.bind() obj.METHOD() obj.object() --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- mocha… is very robust and all-contained test environment has a fixed set of assertions and cannot be extended is complemented with chai ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------